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My daughter is prematurely born and I am not getting enough milk to feed her. Should I give her cow milk or formula milk? If yes please suggest me some good brand of formula milk?

was asked 5 years ago 1 advice Child Care
Hello Dear

First of all congratulations for princess:)

You should give your breastfeed every after 2 hours. The more baby sucks the more milk produce and have a healthy diet so that baby gets enough milk. Add green vegetables, fruits,dryfruits, milk, pulses in your diet. Drink lots of lukewarm water. Add cumin seed in your diet it enhances breastfeed. Don't take much stress. Don't give cow milk till 1 year of baby's age as it gives pressure to your baby's kidney and has not proper nutrition. So it is better to give formula milk but ask with your doctor first as doctor will guide you much better according to baby's weight. Take care.

Soumya Ajmani 5 years ago

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