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These days we all community ladies are not gathering due to this COVID. We all are missing those healthy and unhealthy gossips which we used to do. Most of the complaints were my son doesn't eat properly, missing kaam vaali bai. Ladies tell me what is your most topic discussed when you all meet together.

was asked 5 years ago 2 advices Gossip Corner
Aftet this lock down... my first plan is to visit my parent's home as I'm missing them alot during this lockdown and will plan to spend 10-20 days there and take rest completely. Because from the first day of this lockdown till now I feel restless.
Nagamani Dumpa 5 years ago
The topic to be discussed from my side is.... how I replaced maid with myself. From the minute i got down from bed...my work starts with making coffee, tea basing on the family member's tastes. Later clean home. After that will be busy in making tiffin. Immediately work on cleaning utensils. And then fighting with myself in thinking and preparing dishes for lunch. In middle husband and children call me to arrange some snacks. After lunch again busy in cleaning utensils. After lunch do laundry. Now its time for eveing tea/coffee along with snacks. After that cleaning home and answering to my pet's bow bow..then will start preparing dishes for dinner meanwhile washed clothes will call me to fold them and place them in cupboard. Aftet dinner and it's time for cleaning utensils and kitchen. Finally go t o bed after clearing all pending works of home. This how I replaced my maid and saved Rs.10000/- to my husband during this lockdown and also protected my family with the healthy home made food. This is my story to be discussed when i meet my friends/parents after this lockdown.
Nagamani Dumpa 5 years ago

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