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Hey moms I m in 2 trimester ..from.last 2 days there a swelling on my legs..not able to fit sleepers. Feeling heaviness . Any one pls give me solution..

was asked 2 years ago 1 advice Pregnancy
Hey congratulations for pregnancy dear due to additional weight swelling comes in legs ...so nothing to worry abht..same happens to me in 1st pregnancy..my friends advised me to take less sodium in diet ,take plenty of liquids and water .. take rest ,take warm water in tub add salt nd few drops of mustard oil d keep ur legs into that tub for 15 20 min twice a day ..its helpful in reducing swelling .nd while sleeping keep pillow under legs too .I try all these nd my legs swelling reduce . U can try it dear .its really helpful..
Bhakti Gujjar 2 years ago

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